Your HPP Customer ID


First, we would like you to create an HPP Customer ID, as follows: 
- your initials, then 
- the last four digits of your mobile phone number. 

So, for instance, if you are “Jane Doe” and your mobile phone number is 07700 900321, then your HPP Customer ID would be “JD0321”; if you are “Ludwig van Beethoven” and your mobile phone number is 07123 456789, then your HPP Customer ID would be “LVB6789”. 

Enter your HPP Customer ID into the first field of the form below. 

When you have completed the form and hit the “Submit” button, HPP’s bank details will be revealed. 
Use these bank details, with your HPP Customer ID as the payment reference, to arrange the bank transfer. 
Please do this immediately after submitting the form (or, if you are making more than one entry, immediately after you’ve submitted the final form). 
Note that your booking is completed only when we’ve received your payment and it is both correctly referenced and for the correct amount according to your Entry Form(s).

HPP 2024 Entry Form